Dawn Marie

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Dawn Marie (born July 12, 1969 in Pittsburgh, PA) has been involved with Rocky Horror since the first time she saw the movie when it was playing at the now closed South Windermere Theater in Charlston, SC on February 2, 2002. By July 4th of 2002 she along with 4 other people formed the cast of Back Row Productions, Charleston, SC. Dawn has been a member of several casts over the years, usually performing as Magenta. She has on occasion performed as Janet Weiss, Riff Raff and Dr. Scott as well as taking on the task of emcee, lights and props when needed. Dawn Marie is currently an independent performer on hiatus.

Leadership Roles

  • Founder/Cast Leader Back Row Productions, Charleston, SC
  • Co-Founder/Co-Cast Leader Sins of the South, House of Blues, Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Cast Co-Founder of Downhome Decadence, Huntington, WV
  • Organizer of the Charleston, SC “Showing You Who's Boss” Rockypalooza
  • Co-organizer of “We Are Rocky” mini convention, Huntington, WV
  • Co-organizer TC in DC mini convention, Laurel, MD

Performance Roles

  • Main Role-Magenta
  • Other Roles Played-Janet, Riff Raff, Dr. Scott, Emcee, Props and Lights
  • Vance Parker for Shock Treatment

Cast Affiliations

Conventions Attended (Bold denotes convention performance)

Misc. RHPS Performances

  • ConCarolinas-NC
  • Jeff Mach's Final Cult Movie Overnight-NJ

Rocky Horror Casts Visited

Attendance of the Rocky Horror Show

  • RHS-York Little Theater
  • RHS-Spartanburg SC
  • RHS-Charleston Ballet

Miscellaneous Involvement

  • Copy Editor/Reporter/Photo Editor for Crazed Imagination Fanzine
  • Cast/Fan Profiles for Rocky Horror.com
  • Moderator for Rockycast on Cosmosfactory.org
  • The Boss Award Nominee
  • Performed as Vance Parker in Shock Treatment
  • Creative Director for The Perry Bedden Rocky Horror Picture Book-2014
  • Assistant Researcher for the new Audience Participation Guide-2015
  • Co-Creator of RockyHorrorwiki.org
  • Co-Chair of The Rocky Horror Preservation Foundation
  • Member of Rocky Fit Club