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Epyons5 is artist Michael J. Jones. He has featured work based on the film characters from Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment, in addition to many other iconic cult films and personalities. His work has been featured on Rocky Horror convention material and the RHSML documentary. He auctions original designs at Rocky Horror conventions in addition to selling prints.



Gallery Exhibits

  • Galerie F (Chicago)
  • The Attic (Indianapolis)
  • Bold Hype (New York)
  • Spoke Art (San Francisco)
  • Gauntlet Gallery (San Francisco)
  • Hero Complex (Los Angeles)
  • Gallery 1988 (Los Angeles)

Rocky Horror Design Contributions

Epyon5's designs have been featured in promotional material for the following Rocky Horror projects and events:

Other Conventions

  • New York Comic Con
  • C2E2 (Chicago Comic Con)
  • Wizard World Chicago
  • Days of the Dead Chicago
  • Culture Shock Indianapolis
  • Indianapolis Comic Con
  • _
