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Janet Weiss
Janet Weiss
Signed .................................................................
Signed .................................................................
Transcription and picture from @The Rocky Horror Archive on Facebook ([https://www.facebook.com/RockyHorrorArchive])

Latest revision as of 19:46, 3 December 2024

Janet's Police Statement appears in The Criminologist's book The Denton Affair


My name is Janet Margaret Weiss and I'm 22 years old. Yes, I have met Dr. Furter. Well he did scare me when I first met but I kind of got used to him. It all started when Ralph Hapchatt and Betty Monroe got married at Denton Episcopalian Church. I thought It was a lovely wedding. Betty looked so sweet and Ralph looked so strong. Lovely really. I thought her veil could have been a bit longer, but apart from that it was perfect. I caught the bouquet and Brad proposed to me. I thought he'd never get around to it, but I couldn'y hint to him. But anyway he did it. We decided to go and see Dr. Scott. We met in his science class at Denton High. We left that night. We had gone quite a long way when we suddenly had a puncture. Brad was very heroic and said he'd go back to a castle that we'd passed and get help. He wanted me to stay in the car, but I said I would come with him. We had a newspaper for me to cover my head and, having just got engaged to him, I wasn't going to risk losing him if there was a sophisticated seductive woman in the castle. That was a joke. Anyway off we both set. When we'd nearly got to the front door we were suddenly passed by all these people on motorbikes and there were a lot lined up when we knocked on the door. The door was opened by this guy with a hunched back. I was very scared. We went inside and were led to a ballroom. I was a bit surprised by the appearance of the maid. She'd lost a few buttons from the front of her dress. She wore a lot of makeup too. When we got inside the ballroom there were all these people doing a dance. Brad said it was a folk dance and that we should leave without disturbing them and just find a phone. I would have quite liked to see the dance right through but Brad insisted we leave and he's so strong and brave. We got as far as a lift and Brad was talking to me when I noticed that the lift was coming down. The only thing I could see was this black shape with a white diamonts high heel stamping. Then it turned around and I got such a fright I screamed and fainted. It was a man who looked like a woman with a lot of makeup and high heels. No, I don't know how tall he was but I came up to around his shoulder. Anyway we had to follow him back into the ballroom. Yes, Brad says that I went of my own volition, but he was really pushing me. We tried to get him to lend us a phone but he said he wouldn't until we went up to his lab. I suppose the phone was up there. Anyway they undressed us, which made me feel really funny, but I thought it was probably just because I was cold and still wet. Brad seemed to think that he could handle the situation so I just stuck by him. I knew he'd bring out the aces when the time was right. No, I don't believe there was any gambling there. No, Brad didn't have a pack of cards. it's an expression. Didn't you know that ? Well, it is. Anyway we went up to the lab and we were dressed in these white coats. Frank had put on a green coat. Like a laboratory coat. An operation gown. Anyway there was all this light and suddenly this pretty blond guy arrived on the scene. Very well build he was. Good body. No, I don't normally notice men's bodies. Well, I didn't then anyway. So it was an exceptionally good build I can tell you. Then this other guy burst out of the freezer. He was wearing a lot of leather you know. And a bit of leopard skin here and there. I suppose he needed it to keep out of the cold. The other guy - the blond - was only wearing a pair of tiny gold shorts. Anyway Frank hacked this motorbike guy - whose name was Eddie - to death. I felt a bit upset by that, but Brad didn't do anything And Frank said he'd always been a nuissance so I guessed it was all right. Shortly after that Dr. Scott arrived through the lab wall and then Madge said that dinner was served. Well, a few things did happen in between all that. Well yes, Frank came into my bedroom at one stage. I thought it was Brad at first, but then it was Frank so that was O.K. I mean I would have been shocked if it had been Brad. He's always been so respectful towards me. I left my room shortly after that because I was scared and wanted to know where Brad was. I set off to find him. What was I doing in the tank ? How do you know I was in the tank ? I was comforing Rock. He's the blond. I'm not going to tell you how I was comforting him. How do you comfort a person in such great distress ? I patted him on the back. Yes. Frank was a bit cross to find us there, but Dr. Scott arrived and he forgot about it. Then we went to dinner. Not a very well cooked dinner I didn't think. We sang Happy Birthday to Rocky. He was very sweet. I was very sad when he got killed. I kind of liked him. Anyway we went back to the lab and I don't remember much after that. When I woke up I was in the swimming pool. Really warm water it was. I think I may have actually woken up before then. I don't remember very clearly. That was when I started feeling really funny again. No. I can't describe the feeling. It seems to start in my legs and then go up through the rest of my body. I was dressed like everyone else at that time. Corsets, stockings, suspender belt and gloves. I think there were two. No, they weren't white. They were black. No, I have no idea if that is a significant colour or not. Yes, I suppose we did through some kind of ritual. Sex ! I'm sorry, the word embarrasses me. No, at no time I was raped. Anyway, to go on with what happened, we all came out of the pool and were dancing and singing together very happily, minding our own business. Yes, Dr. Scott was there - he was making his wheel chair kind of move to the rhythm. It's really cleaver the way he gets around in that thing. I think he was really happy too. I remember Brad saying that he felt funny and not seeming to have any control over what he did. Suddenly there was a lot of smoke and the butler and Magde burst through the door. They were dressed so differently I didn't recognize them at first. They were wearing gold and they were clean for a change. Riff Raff seemed to have lost his hump somehow. Anyway they were very cross with Frank and said they had to go back to another planet. Now, I know that sounds very weird, but it was the first I heard of it. I got scared for a minute. Frank seemed frightened and then started to rap on about going home, so I thought he was probably very pleased. Well, that's when it all started getting very ugly. First of all they shot Frank with this gun that looked like a pitch fork. Poor little Rocky got very upset. I did too really. I mean he was quite nice under all those corsets and stockings and you don't like to see a person you know - however little - get killed. So Rocky ran after Frank and there was a great crashing and clattering and they killed him too. I always thought there was something very odd about those two. I mean they didn't really join in very much and seemed kind of resentful. I never really liked them. I think the butler really knew that we didn't like him much. Anyway, Magde tried to reassure him. After that he was quite nice to us. That was mainly because of Dr. Scott saying it didn't really matter all that much about Eddie I guess. Shortly after that we left as quickly as we could and then the house seemed to disappear. There was a very load explosion and so much smoke I couldn't really tell whether the house disappeared or whether the producers decided that there wasn't enough money and they'd cover everything with smoke on stage one instead. I feel fine now. It's a bit like it all happened in a dream. No, I'm not changed. I get a bit sick when I wake up in the morning and I've put on a bit of weight, but I guess that's from staying at home. I never did like mom's cooking much. But when Brad and I get married tomorrow it will be much better. No, I have no idea wht I have suddenly become devoted to licorice allsorts.

Janet Weiss Signed .................................................................

Transcription and picture from @The Rocky Horror Archive on Facebook ([1])
